How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions 2017

7 years ago

A quick tutorial on how you can make and keep your new years resolutions 2017. 90% of all New Year's resolutions can be fit into one of three categories:
1. Lose Weight
2. Get in Shape
3. Be a better person

The problem is that people often bite off more than they can chew, get burned out, and by February they have quit whatever resolution for the New Year that they made. Does this sound like you?

This video is going to give you 3 simple tasks to perform that will enable you to not just keep one of the resolutions mentioned above, but all three. They do not require you to give up any eating to lose weight. They do not require you to go to the gym to get in shape, and they do not require you to become some spiritual guru to be a better person.

Weigt Loss
The simplest way to lose weight is not to count calories, not to diet, and not to starve yourself. Even the healthy eating plans are to hard of a sudden change for someone to do. Thus they get burned out, quit, and regain weight. So, if you want to lose weight and body fat this year, make this one simple change. Don't drink any more sweetened drinks or diet drinks. Drink water, some juice, unsweet tea, unsweet coffee. You may use stevia to sweeten the tea and you may use splenda when you are desperate at Mcdonalds. This alone can cut between 500 and 1000 calories from your day without have to change anything you eat. The best part is that after a few months, you will no longer miss the sweet drinks and you will be able to keep the weight off without trying.

Get in better shape
Same rule applies here. If you join the gym or do some 90 day extreme workout, you will probably get burned out in February and end up quitting. Instead just start walking. 15 minutes a day the first couple months and work your way up to 30 minutes. This is something you can do all year and don't need any equipment. You will develop stronger heart, lungs, and legs. You will even burn a few calories thus helping with step 1. The good news is if you do this everyday, it will become a habit that you keep. It also will help you feel better and will cause you to become more active.

Better Person
This is simple. You don't have to go to church more or study the bible more or do anything you don't like doing. Just keep in mind that the person in front of you is the most important person in the world. Just by remembering that, you will find that you treat people better and thus become a better person.

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