Graft Vs. Host Disease Stem Cell Treatment for Neil

3 years ago
21 (833) 445-9089
Hey, this Josh dream body clinic and the video you're going to see here is a patient named Neil. He came to us because years ago he had leukemia ended up having to get a bone marrow transplant, and they found him a donor, which was tough to do, to find the exact match.
Unfortunately when they did this, usually you have to make sure all the HLA markers now catch up all the different blood, everything. It's complicated. And apparently something didn't match up quite right. And he ended up with what's called graft versus host disease.
And that's when you get a transplant and HLA markers don't match up perfectly and your body starts attacking it is a foreign intruder. So in his case, it caused a lot of rashes and issues and a skin hold those two things. In fact, we've got another video that we're uploading right now. That's him just giving this whole story about this pretty crazy.
Pretty long and gets into it, all that. I guess the point is here, what we did is the stem, the cyclical stem cells been used, seen in a lot of studies to actually help combat graft versus host disease. So we're basically trying to retrain his immune system to stop attacking and start protecting the way that it should.
It shouldn't be attacking his skin should be protecting him. So that's what we did. We did the 300 million. I V get that through his system, help retrain the immune system. We were of. And it's a good, uh, example of why we're able to use Misenko stem cells from a donor without any complications, like graft versus host disease.
They lack what's called HLA, the human leukocyte antigen. So we don't have to worry about that rejection rate causing the sort of side effects or issues. There's no like genetic transfer, anything like that. The stem cells are more like the managers on the construction. They're sending out different signals, cytokines chemokine trophic factors doing what's called a pair of cream fact.
It means it's the signaling cells that they're sending out that are guiding everything. They aren't becoming anything else. So very safe, um, very helpful with auto-immune conditions like this. And Neil is going to keep following up with us, let us know how things are going and we'll post those videos too.
But, uh, if you have an autoimmune condition, if you've got issues, got graft versus host, give us. And this income will stem cells can help a lot. We do free consultations. If you call us at (833) 445-9089. Or check out our website Josh, happy to help.

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