Tarot Reading on Syria : September 3, 2022

2 years ago

I decided to do a series of Tarot readings on Middle Eastern countries. This one is on Syria. I hope this provides some helpful information to people.

I apologize if the information here is totally off or unpleasant.

Other readings in this series:

Syria : https://artemsomnia.substack.com/p/tarot-reading-on-syria
Pakistan : https://artemsomnia.substack.com/p/tarot-reading-on-pakistan
Iran : https://artemsomnia.substack.com/p/tarot-reading-on-iran
Afghanistan : https://artemsomnia.substack.com/p/tarot-reading-on-afghanistan
Yemen : https://artemsomnia.substack.com/p/tarot-reading-on-yemen

Hope : Staying hopeful despite of the situation.

(I commented in my video about how there are many foreign countries and agents in Syria, some were invited, some were not. In addition to that, they have an active/hot conflict that also involves really strong internal dissidents. I forgot to comment about how a neighboring country just re-started shelling civilian targets within Syria. )

Current Situation
Currently, there is cultural unity and people are being careful to not act foolishly, however, regardless of the effort they put into their “work” they are unable attain desired results.

The Underlying Energy
The people have a strong driving force that keeps them going when faced with a lack of protection and resource drainage. Even though they have cultural unity and a focused driving force there is no sense of protection or care for domestic industry. The protective structures that were supposed to protect them have fallen apart and their capital resources that could be used to nurture their country are actually leaving the country. The country in unable to nurture and grow itself.

Upcoming Future Events
Some or a lot of groups will be leaving the country, and this will put a temporary stop to the chaotic violence and upheaval. Some of it is stopped, but not all, since as it is with violence or crime, humans will always get into arguments and fights with each other. I got the reversed Tower so I see this as only a Temporary and Superficial stop to the chaos. This temporary pause allows the domestic civilians to re-engage with their environment and reach out to each other.

Government Situation
They are working on building up capital resources but there are delays.

Civilian Situation
People are totally withdrawn because the physical structure of the country (capital & resources) is in ruins. When the outer world is in ruins we turn within to develop inner strength and inner structure. The people are their own structure and they nurture themselves.

Fate or Chance is in control of the situation. As in there is no control except for the arbitrary one set by the Universe. Anything can happen. And working with whatever chances are brought forth by fate will help ground those in this situation. I see this as a suggestion to build your foundation on instances of chance opportunity. Because the Wheel is always spinning and changing, so take what chances you can and run with it.

Crowning Card
The foundation of capital and resources can be rebuilt, even if it is in currently in ruins.

General Message
Stay hopeful, take any chances you are given by fate, and let your drive direct you as you rebuilt what had been broken.

I hope this reading gave you some useful information.

You can book a Tarot reading with me in my store:

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