Tarot Reading on Iran : September 3, 2022

2 years ago

I decided to do a series of Tarot readings on Middle Eastern countries. This one is on Iran. I hope this provides some helpful information to people.

I apologize if the information here is totally off or unpleasant.

Other readings in this series:

Syria : https://artemsomnia.substack.com/p/tarot-reading-on-syria

Pakistan : https://artemsomnia.substack.com/p/tarot-reading-on-pakistan

Iran : https://artemsomnia.substack.com/p/tarot-reading-on-iran

Afghanistan : https://artemsomnia.substack.com/p/tarot-reading-on-afghanistan

Yemen : https://artemsomnia.substack.com/p/tarot-reading-on-yemen

To watch a video of my reading → Video of Tarot Reading on Odysee

Key Card Message
In an unsettling and obfuscated environment, we can navigate with our own inner light. When the outside discourages our growth, we can let happiness come from within and give warmth to a cold life.

Current Sitatuation
Ideals are guiding everyone as they sit within a solid foundation of capital resources. Mental focus is so strong that it is somewhat narrowminded, leading to tunnel vision.

Underlying Energy
A break-up of unity that was built with others as secrets motives and actions have been revealed. But the situation if being dealt with, with a strong logistical or mental fortitude.

Upcoming Events
A change in domestic structure or culture as they look to the future and become less severe.

Government Situation
The Government is now reaching out very actively. When the external world has not provided expected results, we realize that our perception of reality was flawed and we were misguided in our thinking. So to rediscover the truth around us we must go out into the world and find it.

Civilian Situation
People are now working on new projects and develop new capital resources and they become more active. They are no longer lying down in acquiescence and have woken up and started moving.

Grounding & Crowning Card Message
You do not have to leave a difficult situation, you can mentally distance yourself from it instead.

When you move forward with openness and are caring and receptive others within your environment, the environment can love you back by being supportive of you.

I hope this reading gave you some useful information.

You can book a Tarot reading with me in my store:

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