How To Use a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) for Beginners | Molly Downey @ NutriSense

3 years ago

For years, I had wanted to test out CGM technology to better understand how my unique body responds to specific foods, drinks, and lifestyle habits. What if your daily "health" habits are actually setting you back?

Blood glucose is one powerful metric that can help you make optimal decisions. The problem? Back then, I got quoted $1,500 for a 90-day experiment. I passed. The cost has dropped significantly. I jumped at the chance to test the top CGM services at the beginning of 2021, and walked away with surprising findings.

So I had to get a member of their team on the show to talk about this futuristic technology.

Molly Downey, RDN, LDN is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist (LDN) who specializes in glucose control, metabolism, and weight loss. She graduated from Indiana University-Bloomington and currently works as a dietitian at NutriSense, a health technology company that leverages continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) as a way to optimize diet, health, and overall wellbeing.

Thank you to our sponsors
- Outliyr Peak Performance Shop:
- NutriSense: get your own CGM and save $25 with code URBAN

Key takeaways
- CGMs can help us discover which unintuitive foods work (and don't work) for our unique biochemistry
- Get the most out of your experience by knowing how to interpret the numbers
- Optimizing mental and physical performance by controlling blood sugar

- Full episode show notes:
- Music by Luke Hall:

Do you have questions, thoughts, or feedback for Molly or me? Let us know in the comments below.

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