The Dragon’s Cry

2 years ago

Tablet 1
The Dragons Cry

We live in a world that is dominated and ruled by sheer unholy darkness. Mindless zombies and dual soulless spirits roam these decimated lands without any hope or direction. They moan and gnaw as this blood thirsty system drain their last bit of energy, then they’re discarded in a 6 foot hole later to be dug up and eaten by reptilian zombies who thrive off human flesh. Yes indeed we live in darkness, but one who strives can always find an become the dragon of light. Anyone soul can become the light out of the darkness and to be totally honest it is not as hard as it seems. See, the elites has blinded you and learned how to shut the masses uniqueness down. Everybody has this insane motive to be like everybody else. This very poisonous ideology of one mind one brain is exactly where we are headed in these times of darkness. Riddle me this, In a world of one mind and one consciousness how do we tell each other apart? What if you’re not supposed to? What you have to inner-stand Is that most of the ET teachings and philosophies we acquiesce to are ROBing us out of our artistic individualities. We’ve allowed them to turn us into CYBORGS who are programmed through society and media. Fortunately this has given us a chance to recreate ourselves. Sometimes you have to be a master alchemist an see the opportunity to become new and improved. This is exactly where we stand in this day and age. To become your on light is liberating and illuminating, but it is part of the Left Hand Path, which is dark at first and destructive in its essence. You must destroy your old self and habits!! This can be a extremely painful, stressful and emotional time, but as said before… those who strive can find and become their own light. This process is called (The Dragons Cry) During this phase of illumination you will feel as if the entire world is against you. Everything you do will seem as if it’s pressed with obstacles… unnecessary hardships slowing you down or utterly stoping you. This will be your time of being the victim, which precisely explains why it’s called (The Dragons Cry) In order to break free from this stage WHICH WILL find its way into your life, you must acquaint yourself with mother and father nature. Indeed this is the best way to combat this stage of your rebirth as you ascend through the Dragons Cry Phase, remove yourself from your own everyday routines and habits for this is the cause of your pain. Where you go and how you spend your days could be key to finding the light. As light is often times described as making or discovering previously hidden connections, it makes perfect sense that diverting from your daily routine could help you do just that and more!! See nature is creation and light itself, but we must inner-stand that in a sense of rebirth, darkness is before the light as destruction is before creation, This process is a necessary evil to become the dragon of light. This entire time you may have been asking yourself the question, What is the dragon of light? This is a being who has completely and uniquely combined their own characteristics, beliefs and philosophies into one new body or idea!! Your new found charismatic personalities will serve as a beacon of light that draws people in. You will and shall be an influence of motivation!! People will worship and prays you…. People will also hate and despise, but surely you will be a massive influence to those who have yet to create their own light.

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