Let's Talk About Democracy Interview EP.2 | Zhang Weiwei | Daniel Dumbrill | Alex iChongqing

2 years ago

NOTES: 02:36 Prof correct translation is (Paradigm)

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The topic of the round table was Democracy In China. In episode 2, Professor Zhang Weiwei explains that there is a stereotype that the Western audiences and politicians have about democracy in China. It is primarily shaped by the Cold War mentality. But the stereotype ignores the fact that China's mode is to solve problems: the government's political policy, economic policy, and social policy are designed to improve people's living standards, both material and non-material, and the tactics can be adjusted and changed and reformed. The Chinese mode is not perfect, but it really meets the requirements of identifying problems, finding the causes, and fixing them within a deadline. 
Daniel Dumbrill describes his observation during Covid-19. When the Covid started, Daniel Dumbrill lived in Shenzhen. He was scared, but he also understood that the lockdown and the “dynamic clearance” were necessary. Compared to the United States, one million people lost their lives, a lot of people lost their grandparents, and the life expectancy is lower than in China (China 77.9, United States 77). If China adopts the American policy, it will be much worse, and we could have locked down for even longer. 

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