Iran seeks to buy Su-35 fighters from Russia. Seeking to exchange its drones?

2 years ago

1. The purchase of Su-35 fighter jets from Russia is on the agenda of the Iranian Air Force, Commander of the Iranian Air Force Hamid Vahedi said on Sunday.

The final decision on the purchase of Su-35 fighters rests with the Iranian Army Command and the Armed Forces General Staff Command, Vahedi told Iran's BORNA news agency in an interview.

Last month, Western media reported that Iran was seeking to exchange its unmanned aerial vehicles with Russian Su-35 multipurpose fighters in a barter deal. []
2. Iran has officially announced its intentions to purchase Russian fighter jets. Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force [IRIAF] commander Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi has officially announced that Iran will purchase 24 Su-35 fighter jets from Russia. This is what the Turkish online portal writes in its Sunday edition.

According to Turkish sources, Iran is ready to buy the 24 Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E fighter jets that Egypt ordered from Russia, but Russia did not deliver. It is believed that after this purchase, Iran will make a second one for another 36 units of the Russian flagship. The Turkish publication claims that after the purchase of the first 24 fighters, Tehran and Moscow may sit down at the negotiating table for the production of the 36 fighters in Iran.

The Turkish source claimed that 30 Iranian pilots are already in Russia and are expected to undergo training.
Egypt ordered 24 Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E fighter jets at the beginning of 2019, in March. The planes have already been produced but are still sitting in the Sukhoi hangars. There are two main versions why Egypt does not receive them.

One version is a technical malfunction that prevented Egypt from fulfilling the contract. This version is unlikely, since technical faults have always existed in every single production, and they are fixed, even if the delivery period is extended.

The second version is Egypt’s refusal to pay for the delivery of the 24 fighters. Such a refusal may have been dictated by Cairo’s fear of Washington not imposing severe economic sanctions under the CAATSA law. []
Iran' s 2-day massive drone drills amid US concern of possible supply to Russia (P2):
Iran launches 2-day massive drone drills amid US concern of possible supply to Russia:
3. VIDEO: La compra de aviones de combate Su-35 de Rusia está en la agenda de la Fuerza Aérea de Irán, indicó el domingo 4 de septiembre el comandante de la Fuerza Aérea iraní, Hamid Vahedi.

La decisión final sobre la compra de los cazas Su-35 corresponde al Comando del Ejército y al Comando del Estado Mayor General de las Fuerzas Armadas, aclaró Vahedi a la agencia de noticias BORNA de Irán en una entrevista.

El mes pasado, medios occidentales informaron que Irán buscaba intercambiar sus vehículos aéreos no tripulados por aviones caza de usos múltiples Su-35 rusos bajo un acuerdo de trueque.
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#iraniandrones #iranianarmy #caatsa #sukhoi #iranianpilots #trainingprogram

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