HELP! My Baby Is Waking Every Hour To Feed with Chantal Murphy | Baby Sleep Magic

2 years ago

HELP! My Baby Is Waking Every Hour To Feed with Chantal Murphy | Baby Sleep Magic

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This is a very common scenario and something most parents will experience at some point. The good news is it is easily fixed!!

Babies & toddlers are very good at controlling their own calories, this means the more you feed them during the day then the less they need overnight! If you are in a situation where your baby is feeding every hour or two overnight, you need to switch it up.

Offer your baby milk every hour (or two) during the day over a 24-48hr period, and if that means waking them up to do that, then go for it. Once your baby's feeding is back on track, it is important to have some structure with your daytime feeds. It is also imperative that your baby is getting all the calories and nutrition they need during the day to avoid them waking too often overnight.

Simply put: More calories during the day equals less at night!

One common mistake I often see, especially with night feedings are parents rushing in too fast. Get to know your baby's cries. If they are doing interval crying, which rises and then descends again, let them be! The chances are they are trying to settle themselves back to sleep, and if you interrupt, you may make them more upset, and the opportunity for them to doze back off to sleep may be gone.

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