Sam Debates The Last TRUE Libertarian

2 years ago

Sam debates a self-identifying "true" libertarian and it doesn't go the way you might expect.

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Jack from Florida what's on your mind? I've heard a lot of your discussions with different Libertarians over this over the last couple of weeks as I've prepared to call in. But I wanted to make sure that you guys got to talk to a true libertarian about true libertarian ideas. Such as democracy... Is that you? Such as. Hold on. I'm sorry does it mean is it James? What's your name? Jack. yeah, Jack. you are a true libertarian? That's me. Just for the sake of our audience will you explain to us what a true libertarian is? Because we've had a lot of Libertarians on right? I mean I don't know how many of those debates have. But everybody from a Ron Paul advisor to a candidate for governor in New York from the libertarian party we had the chairman of the libertarian party may be from Florida. I can't remember which one it was. I'm just curious what makes you a true libertarian as opposed to other ones. so the fake Libertarians that keep calling into this show especially tend to talk a lot about how they just don't want to pay taxes. or that they just want to I don't know be able to buy whatever light bulbs they want. but at the end of the day, they're not rooted in the true principles of people like Thomas Paine and John Locke that really set up the foundation of libertarianism. and so they often will choose to oppose one hierarchy in form of another. right. in support of another. that's that is that is true like a lot of these people are what I call them as neo confederates right? like they're perfectly willing to have the states abridge people's rights somehow that's better than their perception of the federal government abridging rights.

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