"Australian Government" (Killing In The Name Of) The Man 666

2 years ago


Rev 13:18

There's coming a man whose number is 666.

Its like a parable. A Riddle. A Code.

The Globalist Elite are well familiar with it...

Best you listen up and pay attention!

Only the wise will understand "The Wicked Shall Not" and continue to be wicked....

Daniel chapter 12:10

Or I will say only willfully STUPID people will dismiss and not see it for what it is... "Seeing is not always believing" That still remains a choice and faith applied.

Hey we are talking tangible evidence here.

There's a saying: "You cant fix stupid"

Acting stupid is always a choice.

The Bible says you better wise up or there's eternal consequences.

If you don't want to be counted with the wicked! Damnation.

Morrison and 84 year old Jane stage Vaxx shot for the cameras while she two finger salutes you. Then gives you a V for victory Occult sign.
In your face. Occult Freemasonic ritual live on tv....

Australian CV19 Vaccine Rollout begins Monday 22nd February 2021
for the general Australian population.

Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

1st target groups:

Quarantine and border workers.
Frontline health care workers.
Aged and disability care residents and staff (Oldest population)

+ 13 Days 18 Months into the death jab (depopulation) Eugenics program by the Australian Government under the direction of the United Nations World Health (death) organization.

= Monday 5th September 2022 (Youngest population and most vulnerable) to spike protein "Crisper" shot Begins. The last target age group by demographic. The program is complete.

All within 13 Days 18 Months. (By design) staged. Orchestrated.
(The man and his NWO who is the enemy of your freedom loving souls)

3rd August 2022
ATAGI - Australian Technical Advisory group on immunisation approves Australia's CV19 Moderna vaccine (Spikevax) and recommends it to be administered to approximately 70,000 "at risk children" the last age group 6 month to 5 years of age on Monday 5th September onwards.
500,000 shots already brought with Aussie tax payer dollars.

So many countries globally have stopped this age group demographic
from being cv vaxxed due to the dangers associated with the shots.

And the FACT that kids do not need this MRNA gene editing tech to save them from a threat of covid which has a 99 per cent survival rate with natural preventive immune response medicines.

Yet our Demonic lead and inspired Baal worshippers go full steam ahead for Eugenics and Dollars (Greed)

The Number of his name at work.

"Great significance to the passage of time"
VP USA Kamala Harris"
22nd March 2022. Gives cryptic statement for the wise...

TGA - Therapeutic Goods Administration on July 19th 2022 provisionally approved Moderna (Spikevax) for use in Children aged 6 Months to 5 Years of age.

+ 48 Days (Obama)

= ATAGI - Monday 5th September 2022
Rolls out Moderna for 6 Month to 5 years of age in Australia.

What does the bible have to say about harming/hurting children?

Matthew 18:6 KJB

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Dam their souls.

Movies. Where you will see Obama's numbers.

Pi Faith in Chaos
Angel has fallen
I am Legend
KK Klansman
Mercury Rising

The list is so long...

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