总在犯罪和“悔改”,真的是上帝的旨意吗?(Anzhelika)To sin and "to repent". Is this really the Will of Jesus for us?

2 years ago

全文链接 Whole Transcript: https://afollowerofhim.blogspot.com/2022/09/anzhelika.html
原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/lmSBSd5ePfE

2022年8月30日 Originally posted by Sister Anzhelika

ИИСУС - живой Бог! Анжелика Бомбушкар

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnzhelikaWatson

总在犯罪和 "悔改",这真的是耶稣对我们的旨意吗?

To sin and "to repent". Is this really the Will of Jesus for us?


Once I was listening to the testimony of one soul about her meeting with Jesus Christ. The meeting was real.


This soul really saw Jesus Christ (He appeared to her personally), and He revealed to her in an instant the TRUTH about many things.


It was powerful and supernatural, she believed in the reality of JESUS, the LIVING GOD in an instant.


She learned about many things, as GOD HIMSELF looks at it. I was extremely happy about this. But...


I personally have always thought that the most important thing for salvation is a personal meeting with Jesus, that this is quite enough to go only with Him, learn only from Him,


have constant fellowship with Him, constantly bearing the fruit of obedience to the Lord, bringing other souls to Him. But...


after seeing this evidence, my opinion completely changed. I saw on the example of this testimony, which lasted more than half an hour,

我从这个持续了半个多小时的见证中看到,在遇到了永生的上帝多年后,这个灵魂的生活中只剩下读圣经、犯罪和 "悔改"。

that, years after meeting with the LIVING GOD, all that was left in the life of this soul was reading the Bible and to sin and “to repent”.


I could not hold back the tears, everything inside me was moaning and crying.


I saw that the POWER OF GOD, so as not to sin, is not in this soul.


I did not see the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT in this soul for a fruitful life, a life for the Lord in victory and joy. And it was extremely sad for me ...


I cried so much before the Lord ... I did not understand WHY?


Jesus showed me the whole picture, revealing the truth to many things that I did not understand and did not see through the eyes of the Lord.


It shocked me, but I came to my senses and rejoiced at the Teachings of Jesus.

亲爱的灵魂,不要相信任何人告诉你说犯错和 "悔改 "是正常的,他们说我们无法停止犯罪。

Dear soul, DON'T BELIEVE anyone who tells you that TO SIN AND “TO REPENT” IS NORMAL, that we cannot live in any other way so as not to sin. It's a LIE!


This is not the Teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ! This is a LIE OF THE dEVIL!


These are the plots that he plots to destroy my soul and yours. And he succeeds at it.

但耶稣清楚明白地对你和我说:"去,不要再犯罪了!" 上帝憎恨罪。

Jesus said clearly and understandably to me and to you: "GO AND SIN NO MORE!" God HATES SIN.


That is why He sent His Only Begotten Son so that man COULD LIVE AND NOT SIN.

耶稣所受的苦难,他遭受了难以形容的折磨,让你和我就可以不犯罪地活着。这是真的! 这才是正常的!

Jesus suffered, He was indescribably tormented, so that YOU AND I COULD LIVE WITHOUT SIN. This is real! This is normal!


The one who KNOWS Jesus will not sin, he will avoid sin at ANY COST. He will hate sin as much as his Lord does. He knows that sin produces death.


He knows that no one, except the devil, guarantees him that he will be able to stand up after his next sin, NOBODY.


He knows that he must be ready to meet with Jesus in Eternity every moment of his life.


HE KNOWS IT WITH ALL OF HIS CORE, and he flees from sin, he remains faithful to Jesus. He knows JESUS.


Dear soul, every sin of ours is a violation of allegiance to the King and the Lord, this is TREASON, this is FORNISHING with the devil,


because when we sin, we do the will of the devil, we serve him, we please him, and WE CHEATING ON JESUS, WE ARE NOT FAITHFUL TO JESUS!


We sin, we create lawlessness, unrighteousness, we sow evil on this earth, we produce death with our sin, because we are the children of the devil,


because we learn from him to sin and “to repent”, he is our father and teacher. This is an ABOMINATION before the Lord.


Repentance is remorse for one's sins (or in one sin that we have committed) and forsaking them. YOU REPENT AND FORSAKE, AND DO NOT DO IT AGAIN, DO NOT SIN MORE.


This is REPENTANCE in the eyes of the Lord.

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