Thomas Stem Cell Treatment Experience at Dream Body Clinic

3 years ago
57 (833) 445-9089
I am Josh Dream Body clinic here with Thomas today, and we were just kind of geeking out about stem cells and aging health. All these. Um, Thomas, you came to us. When was it? You came initially to check out there. It was about three months ago. Yeah. So you were here three months ago. Just stopped in, want to talk with us, Dr.Sue was going on and everything. And then since then you've done some different analysis of your back. Right. Kind of figure out what's going on. And you said, so you originally are from Poland, right? Yes. So he's from Poland and you know, we do the ozone. And fortunately you've been doing that a lot of countries over in Europe for a long time.It's pretty tough to find and they've been doing it since like the 1980s. So he actually went back to Poland and just did the ozone in your circle, in that kind of. It was quite the experience. He said they did some local amnesties. Yeah. Yeah. But the good part is you're feeling a lot better from that. So that really helps just kind of shrink the herniation of the disc down, you know, a little stenosis, but you're, you're getting rid of all the pressure on the spinal cord, which is, yeah.
I have a tingling in my arm and that's, uh, that's, it's done. That's awesome. So nerve pain, I mean, this is a great way to do that. And again, it's been approved in Europe for long. And now you're here and we just get an idea of stem cells. And then we just did the injections directly into the cervical spine to help everything just regenerate, grow back, feel better and just make sure none of that ever comes back.
Yeah. Yeah. So it's pretty incredible. And I mean, you did a lot of research or thumb before you ended up coming down. So I looked up for a lot of places for the stem cells and then, uh, No, that was the winter. And I also talked to a lot because that's why you can put conservation first and then I've seen the clinic and talk to you guys.
And I got good advice about that. That's the bulging disc, you know, to do that also. That's what I did. I came back for that for the stem cells and you get the MRIs, see exactly what's going, that's what we do in MRI for all of our joint treatments, because I just find in the U S a lot of times these surgeons, it just like.
Yeah. I mean, capitalist patients have told me their doctor recommends just going in and surgery and hasn't even ordered an MRI. I mean, it's like, it's almost like blackmail. They're like, Hey, I'll order that MRI. If you sign off up in search of your later, say, but there's no, these are crazy. They don't give you an options.
Now there's no surgery or there's no motions that makes it 50 different. Yeah. In Europe, it's all orthoscopic. It's minimally invasive. There's a couple of other procedures, which doctors in states I haven't even heard of. Yeah. Like we've had a couple patients for like really advanced spine things that we could think it was too far gone.
Yeah. Do these artificial discs. That's a big thing. Yes. I mean, it's, it's pretty crazy. So we feel like we're kind of ahead of the curve with stem cells. I think that should be doing it everywhere. I think you can fix a lot of problems. Hopefully we'll get there, but for now we've got a here. So if you want to learn more about stem cells, a stem cell therapy that were really easy.
We're here in four of our two Mexican. When you're in LA. So what's that like a two, two and a half hours. Super easy. It's a beautiful place as well. And it's like cheap Hawaiian, you know, look out here. It's really safe, great place. So if you'd like to learn more, just check out our website. It's
You can call us any time. Toll free at 833 445 9089. I'm Josh. Happy to help.

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