Bleedouts are way too common...

2 years ago


We all have blood, keeping it inside of your body is necessary for life and is extremely straight forward and easy,
yet still I see videos and hear about people dying from heavy bleeds. After some research I discovered that
2 million people die every year from uncontrolled bleeding, I think that is ridiculous. Saving your own life
or the life of the people you love in the event of a heavy bleed is easy when you have the right tools and know how to use them.
The more people that have these skills and these tools on hand the more protected humanity is from causalities of uncontrolled bleeding.
Physical trauma is the leading cause of death for adults under the age of 45 in the UK,
uncontrolled bleeding accounts for half of these deaths, so yes... it's common. Take the responsibility of learning these skills not only for yourself
but for your fellow man. Be a hero, not a victim.


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