20220905 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act hurts the electric vehicle push.
I'm Peter Serefine, and this is today's Liberty Minute.
It is no secret that Biden is pushing for electric vehicles, but his Inflation Reduction Act is contrary to that push.
Prior to the Inflation Reduction Act, 72 vehicles qualified for a buyer tax credit.
Now, only 16 models qualify.
Of the 16 that qualify, only two have a list price below $36,000.
Economical options like Toyota and Hyundai don't qualify for the tax credit, but BMW and Audi do.
The average price of an electric vehicle that does qualify is $55,000 plus taxes and fees.
So, once again, the government claimed to be helping the poor, but I don't know any poor people who can buy a BMW even with a tax credit.
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Until tomorrow, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum

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