6 on 77: The Dulles Airport 9/11 Cover up [2017] (HD, 2nd edit)

2 years ago

This is the second upload unlike first version that's not in HD with well over 200,000 views as on our regular channel: https://youtu.be/_omKXktAnVM

This film is targeted as it's also to be appreciated by both the 9/11 Truth Movement and defenders of the official narrative, as this documentary contains new evidence of an unheard of 9/11 cover-up and mystery solved, with a surprise piece of the puzzle coming from the most unlikely of all sources.

This is not a scientific or academic expose about the physical attack at the Pentagon on September 11th, it is a multi-media researched expose about some of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, particularly those that boarded American Airlines Flight 77 at Dulles International Airport, as well as addressing some of the outlandish alternative conspiracy theories against Flight 77 and the Pentagon attack, including official evidence such as flight calls and security videos.

What this film entails is a cover-up that occurred at Dulles Airport with the release of the airport security CCTV video capturing the hijackers boarding Flight 77, while also providing a collection of unnoticed interviews from airport staff, including some from Boston Logan Airport.

It also covers the airfone calls made from Flight 77 as well as touching on others made on Flights 11 & 93, plus some of the stories and recounts of victim’s family members of Flight 77 and the Pentagon attack, including those who have been at odds with the official story and the 9/11 commission report as well as the establishment treatment. ~ Thermal Detonator

Documentary references -

Pentagon Plane Puzzle + David Chandler: Going Beyond Speculation:
Unsafe At Any Altitude: A 9/11 documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gt3Z...
Flight 77 (Documentary of 2011 about American Airlines Flight 77): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGJSZ...
Empire Unmasked: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theempireu...

Research links -

Blink Comparator Views of the Plane at the Pentagon By David Chandler, based on prior work by Ken Jenkins:
The 85 Pentagon Area Surveillance Cameras By Ken Jenkins:
The "Pod People" And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon:
ANC Report:

Watch the over 4-hour painstaking demonstration 'Explanation of the Evidence at the Pentagon on 9/11 - Answering the 9/11 Consensus Panel Challenge" of Scientists for 9/11 Truth members, Wayne Coste's research narrated by David Chandler. This is a brief overview:

Books -

The Star and the Sword / Wayne Madsen: https://www.amazon.com/Star-Sword-Way...
Unsafe At Any Altitude /Joseph J. Trento & Susan B. Trento: https://www.amazon.com/Unsafe-Any-Alt...
Within Her Grasp / Joane Simon Tailele: https://www.amazon.com/Within-Her-Gra...

This film is subjected for future corrections, revisions and updates. Submissions or contact for additional documentation and data pertaining to support this subject is welcome, as so are production tips, assistance and inquiries are too. wacwood@gmail.co

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