Subscribe to support Namibia's conservationists in action.

2 years ago

By subscribing and liking our channel you actively support conservation in Namibia.

CONSERVATIONISTS IN ACTION is our consolidated platform channel showcasing #whynamibia is Africa's leader in biodiversity protection, wildlife conservation and tourism and travel destinations. The documentaries are conceptualized, funded and produced through the CONSERVATION FILM FOUNDATION of Namibia.

CONSERVATIONISTS IN ACTION is the visual media hub for documentaries produced to present active conservation research, relevant environmental education and Eco-tourism projects, raising understanding of research on ecological functioning, biodiversity value and the vulnerability of endangered species in Namibia and the southern African region.

The CONSERVATIONISTS IN ACTION channel shares a philosophy that the conservation of biodiversity is as much a common concern of humankind as it is a global responsibility of all individuals living on planet earth.

More details at

CONSERVATIONISTS IN ACTION is our consolidated platform channel showcasing #whynamibia is Africa's leader in biodiversity protection, wildlife conservation and tourism and travel destinations. The documentaries are conceptualized, funded and produced through the CONSERVATION FILM FOUNDATION of Namibia.

CONSERVATIONISTS IN ACTION is the visual media hub for documentaries produced to present active conservation research, relevant environmental education and Eco-tourism projects, raising understanding of research on ecological functioning, biodiversity value and the vulnerability of endangered species in Namibia and the southern African region.

More details at

#conservatioistsinaction #namibia #conservationfilmfoundation, #ecochannelafrica, #ecochannelfilms, #namibia, #africa, #wildlife, #nature, #environment, #sustainability, #climatecrisis, #conservation, #desertlion, #desertelephants, #swakopmund, #whynamibia

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