Spiritual warfare is between the one true faith system of God Eph. 4:5 versus men's faith systems!

2 years ago

The only way men could stand up against the Lord and be in the Babylon/Rome apostasy was to be in great ignorance 2 Thess. 2:2-11; Acts 17:30. We were under a strong delusion, and the Lord hid His face, power, glory, majesty, love, truth, science, and Bible from us Eph. 1:9; 1 Cor. 2:7; Ezek 39:25-29. Because men cannot fight against God or objective truth, the Lord took a step back and allowed Satan, the man of sin Rom. 5:12-21 to rule over this world in the kingdoms of men with his lies in the bibles of men! The ways of men are the ways of death Gen. 2:17. The Lord wanted us to patiently endure, and learn from the ways of men until the second coming of the Lord when God's ways were back Job; James 5:11.
Because Satan, the man of sin Rom 5:12-21 claims to be God and has lied to us about everything 2 Thess. 2:7, it has been impossible for men to distinguish between the heresies of men and the one true faith system from God Eph. 4:5. After 1680 years of the ways of men we have finally learned that only Christ can be the mediator between God and man 1 Tim. 2:5. Only the Prince of peace can preach the gospel of the Kingdom Matt. 4:23; Heb. 1:2. Only the Lord of lords and King of kings, the perfect Preacher, the Great "I Am," The Father of all mercies, The great physician, or the good Shephard can give to us the peace that passes understanding because men always have their thumbs on the scales of justice Jer. 10:23! The ways of God are as high as the heavens above the love, worship, religions, and prayers of men Isaiah 55:9! Truth, science, and agape love from God are exceedingly abundantly greater than we ever could have imagined Eph. 3:20.
There are two ages of Christianity meaning that there are two 40-year periods when the supernatural objective truth of God is given to men in the last days of the Kingdoms of men as seen in the dual prophecies of the Lord throughout the Bible: Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; Dan. 2:44. Are you ready for the wisdom from above; the Royal Law or the Perfect Law of Liberty given once and for all time to the saints in 70AD James 5; Judas 3?
The destroyer, the sun along with volcanoes, changing sea levels, asteroids, comets, all space weather along with objective truth and science from God Psalms 19:1; 1 Cor. 10:10; 2 Peter 3; Acts 2:17-21; Dan. 2:44; John 8:32; 12:31, will in these last days destroy the heavens, earth, and all blasphemy Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30; Rev. 18:4; 2 Peter 3.
Will you choose the ways of God, and eternal life Isaiah 55:9; 2 Thess. 2:10 or continue to follow the ways of men which can only bring suffering and death Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30; Gen. 2-4; Rom. 3:4; Lev. 10:1-3; Heb. 1:2; Job; James 5:11? Or will you be the Lord's arm of agape love and help your fellow man?

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