The Depopulation Culling Intensifying& Attacking No Virus Camp

2 years ago

As I have warned repeatedly many times that THEY will never give up their master Plan. And their main task is not just killing people with dropdead of SADS and with other “unknown” and known causes , but destroying the reproductive functions of human body in both sexes.

While the antivax, truth movement, have been busy of provoking and "back stabbing" the no-virus camp, the culling/killing and the destruction of HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTIONS by injection (and now spraying) has been intensifying despite all the data of death and injure by clot-shot being admitted by governments!

Unlike the modest antivax group, the No-virus camp has gone beyond the exposing just the Covidfraud and its clotshot, but has been exposing the whole germ theory and germ based industry and institutions! In one word the No-Virus camp has declared war on the whole current power system!

Everyone with two brain cells knows that depopulation CULLING by just killing won't work in the long term as long as the birth rate, replacement rate (high fertility) still remains normal! The only effective depopulation culling is to destroy fertility. To make people stop giving birth!

You don't need to kill people since everyone will die anyway. Just stop the replacement! If you want to speed up the culling then killing is needed! That's exactly what the Covid Clotshot is designed for: Killing some here and there "openly" with lockdowns, diapers, and the “unknown causes”, but stealthily destroying reproductive functions of every single person! Except their own tribal members, of course!

Look at their "vax advertisements!" All of them! It's full of silliness, stupidity, and absurdity! The power establishments treat people like their own retarded kids because the majority of people indeed is just a bunch of retarded kids, who just swallow whatever shitted out by government, MSM, and corporations!

However, all the Joe sixpacks and Janes soccermoms are excused, since millions of doctors, PhD holders in different fields have swallowed these absurd shits quicker than anyone else!

Once the government officially declared a person was shot by a gun, a person was run over by a truck, both died of Covid19 with no meaningful objection from medical community, legal community, and a whole intellectual class has gone along with that! All is over! Civilisation has ceased to exist!

How can one explain the true meaning of IQ (intelligence quotient) when the number of young doctor death by clotshot is increasing despite all the fact about the poisonous injection have been known? It must have been the Idiocy Quotient instead!

We are living in a very dark and chaotic time of human history where the vast majority of the population has become so indifferent, obedient, and stupid in such an unprecedented mass psychosis. The whole society NOT ONLY has been brutally oppressed by the regular government thugs and goons, but worse, people have been gaslit by the majority of the INTELLECUAL CLASS which has become Government and Coporations' catspaws, gate-keepers, and SHILLS, whose main job in this Covidcrime is to pretend being against the "clot-shot" but do everything to keep "the imagined virus" looks real and deadly. Because without "the imagined virus" NOT ONLY the whole giant pharma industry will be wiped out but the whole germ based medical system will collapse and be thrown into dustbin of history. Millions of germ based doctors, professors etc will loose their prestige, well-paid jobs and privileges, and will be thrown out walking with head down not just like a bunch of idiots but frauds and criminals!

That's why THEY all have to band together tightly to fight and crush any "virus denier" with everything, every trick they have. They will do everything, stop at nothing to keep "the imagined virus" real and deadlier and deadlier as every day passing by in order to keep scaring people into total submission, to hype up any scamdemic at any time they need, to sell their poisons and injections, and to control human society!

Therefore, "keeping the imagined virus real and deadly" is their existential battle against the fast growing terrainian "no-virus" community!

As a matter of fact, people like Eric Coppolino, Steve Kirsch, "shill" lawyer Reiner Füllmich and their ilk have been tasked to provoke, attack, and back stab any attempt to expose the imagined virus fraud and scam. You can be anti-vax as much as you can, but you must accept the ultimate condition: the damn non-existent virus must exist! Or else!

Thus, the whole "non-virus" camp has been constantly in their cross-hair and must be demonized, discredited, and destroyed at all cost. Steve Kirsch declared, or rather provoked : "I have the same problem with any of the leaders of the “virus denier” movement. Tom Cowan, Sam Bailey, Mark Bailey, Andrew Kaufman, Jon Rappoport, and others are all camera shy. There’s a reason for that: they would be exposed as frauds in minutes.”


I could not help but burst to laugh when I read such childish provocation!

I love and admire the attitude and the general strategy of the No-Virus Camp (i.e Stephan Lanka, Tom Cowan, Sam Bailey, Mark Bailey, Andrew Kaufman, Jon Rappoport). No more non-sense talks/debate. It's science. Sciene is rigorous investigative methodology, which demands scientific proof. Scientific Proof requires scientific experiments! No more wasteful and futile back-and-forth arguments, which apparently have been used by useful idiots and SHILL (e.g Steve Kirsch) to distract and exhaust the No-virus Team!

Like the anti holohoax denier campaign, this anti "virus denier" campaign bears the same hallmark of the Talmudic force, whose traditional MO is infiltartion and accusation!

Anyway, As I said before, if Dr Wagh turned out to be a SHILL who was sent out to steal and destroy the momentum of the scientific Virus Challenge of the No-virus Team, as some writers such as Bill Huston did, she must be a NEW PERFECT BREED of Cass Sunstein SHILL Project!

("Conspiracy Theories" and government infiltration

A very brilliant SHILL indeed! But still fails no matter how brilliant such shill is! Simply because No-Virus is science based Movement! It’s not a belief system as Germ theory is. The scientific Virus Challenge is SCIENCE! Not a CONSPIRACY THEORY, but a VERY OPEN SCIENTIFIC METHOD designed to prove, not just for science community (Dr Lanka already did that) , but for the whole lay people in the world to see, ONCE AND FOR ALL WHETHER SUCH supposed DEADLY VIRUS REALLY EXISTS. In essence, the scientific Virus Challenge is to prove scientifically and decisively whether the Germ Theory is just a hundreds year CONSPIRACY with the imagined virus or a true FACT of LIFE!

That's said, I still don't think Wagh is such SHILL!

In my assessment, Wagh is a very bright, self-confident, and intelligent person! Especially sharply humorous! The quality you hardly find in crooks and cowards. She must have been formally well educated! One can hide, fake, feign everything but real skills and knowledge!

I wish her all the best, and hope that despite the “Asian dilemma”, She did not and will not sell her soul for a bunch of fiat papers!

Without No-virus camp success, does this human race still have a chance to survive intact as free human being?

As always, the last word is yours folks!

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