Teacher Cries Victim After Parental Outrage Over Pushing CRT on Students in Defiance of Oklahoma Law

2 years ago

Oklahoma recently passed a law making it illegal for CRT to be taught in schools. This didn’t stop a teacher though from trying to push it on her students. She took it upon herself to give them a QR code to a free e-book program that the Brooklyn Pulbic Library setup to circumvent parents, local schools, and states banning it along with other materials intended to groom the children. After getting caught for doing it, of course she is trying to claim that she’s a victim, that parents are threatening her, and that she now fears for her life. Which her supposed evidence of threats are not threats. But, when she is grooming children into the Cultural Marxist crap like she is, maybe she should feel threatened for doing it considering she’s trying to brainwash children into the leftist cult.

In this video we take a look at this teacher crying about how she’s a victim because parents didn’t like her grooming their kids and the local Fox affiliate helping her to do so.

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