A look at the global collapse and at aboot 30 mins-a message for Ian.

2 years ago

Discussing aspects of the great reset/4th industrial revolution/UN Agenda 21/ UN Agenda 30/Reset the table/Farm to fork..bla bla bla can be frustrating for us and boring for the people around us but the truth flows through media narrative now. The global debt to GDP in these so-called 1st world countries and others shows that this is no longer mindless conspiracy theory..the printers are done, it's time for bonds, nope, interest hikes...we'll see how long it continues as the debt, housing and energy bubbles burst.

IAN....Fast forward to 30 mins or so and skip bits for my waffles to you.
Read the book, Covid-19 The Great Reset and if you feel the need call or email me but it is better and quicker explained by voice.
Do not deny history of it's true nature.

Much L❤ve


Hang on to your budgie smugglers!
It's gonna get wet as it all sinks.

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