Both Shoulder Stem Cell Treatment Heals Shoulder pain

3 years ago
1.8K (833) 445-9089
Hi, this is Josh dream body clinic. And the video you're gonna see here is a patient that came down for both of his shoulders. They were hurting. Um, we did the MRIs first, which we always do, so it was going on and we then got him in here for treatment applied 50 million mesenchymal stem cells with platelet rich plasma to heal.
The stem cells get in there and they target inflammation when you've got an injury like that. Typically synovial fluid starts to build up. We can see that on the MRI and get it in there, the stem cells, and they actually fix the root cause of what is hurting that shoulder. We see a lot of super Spinosad engines.
We see a lot of lung or labor and care as we see a lot of, um, rotator cuff issues, you know, muscle pools, um, terrors, ligaments, tendons. And fortunately they all heal amazingly well. It's mid cycle stem cells because they go to that inflammation. And the first thing they do is they start guiding the cells to remove the scar tissue.
And that is always the worst part. Once scar tissues form your body's natural healing process, can't continue because that scar tissue just can't get rid of it. The stem cells guide the removal of the scar tissue for. And this is why as adults, we typically don't feel from these injuries. When we're little kids, we have 90% more of a cycle stem cells and we do as adults.
And that's because the way the body works, when we hit bone maturity, 18 for women 21 for men on average, we lose 90% of our capillaries to the blood vessels. And that's where the mesenchymal stem cells live. That cold period. And they live on there and they come off and go are needed with that, uh, that inflammation occurs.
So now as adults, we don't have all that white blood cells rush in boom, scar tissue. And then you're stuck. Just doesn't heal if you got PRP platelet rich plasma in the day of injury or the day after. Well, that puts a bunch of IGF one and IGF two there, which will help it heal and prevent the scar tissue formation.
But because they're so even tough with PRP in the states, they don't. Instead, they let that scar tissue form. The orthopedic surgeons love it because they want to operate and it sucks, but most operations do not get you pain-free. Most of them do not fix it to where your a hundred percent again, the central stem cells do.
So it's a great alternative to surgery. Um, the cost it's so affordable compared to like even the cost of an MRI in states can get so expensive. You can see all of our information, prices, everything. If you just go to our website, www dot tree,, uh, scroll down, you'll see all the treatments listed there.
Find the shoulder treatment. We got prices. We've got influ, we got studies. We've got everything to back up, what we're doing and how well it works. In fact, it was really awesome. This last week was Thanksgiving.
And the worst part about those. All they do is mass, the inflammation, which usually makes the pain go down and it's temporary. And it's so acidic. It typically makes things worse. It breaks down cartilage. It breaks down ligaments, tendons, and the cycle stem cells repair and build those things back up. So even cartilage you've got. Stem cells can help regenerate that cartilage. They tie in. They, they do not become anything else. They are simply like the manager of the construction site, making sure everything heals the way it's supposed to. You feel like you did when you were a little kid. So the best way to look at it. So if you want to learn more, you can do that.
You can also call us toll free at (833) 445-9089. Ask any questions, you know, we've got the answers. We've been doing this for five and a half years of stem cells. They work incredibly well. Our labs been doing it over a decade. Everything's third-party analyzed. I know people think weird stuff about Mexico, but you know, I've lived here 13 years.
It's not what you've been told by the media medicine for the post part is better here than open. The states. Doctors will spend. You answer questions. It's not just, you know, at rates trying to get through and it's super safe. It's tropical paradise guys. Look behind me. This is, this is like cheap, polite food is amazing.
Surf is amazing. The beaches are amazing. It's affordable. It's a great place to be. And all that narco violence you hear about. It's not here. In fact, even at the border, they have some issues there, but I have driven across Mexico all across, down everywhere with my face. Never even had a scary situation.
There isn't even a part of this town by art that I would be afraid to be at like two in the morning. There aren't like street gangs or stop people dealing drugs or anything. It's all very controlled. Like it's so safe here. You have no idea. It's not what you've been told. So if you're interested, you got those questions, you know how to get ahold of us and I'm Josh.

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