Redemption and tax. (Matthew 17:24-27)

3 years ago

I thought about calling this one, "Peter and the two cent coin" but not sure how the cheek will be responded to.
It's a tough verse, at least when I've been around a lot of different voices using it for different reasons. Do you pay your taxes, should there be taxes, what does Jesus think about taxes, why does Peter get called Simon, and I've seen it used for giving offering and knowing that GOD will provide. Which made younger me question, if you know God will do it, then how is it a walk of faith; only realizing much later that the walk is the faith, the action comes because of the walk. It's an odd and slightly backwards way of looking at it, but as we will see tomorrow, backwards is kinda common theme around these parts. At least as far as the World generally sees it. In it not of it though, am I right?

Why does GOD care about silver and gold, when he made the stuff? I mean humans may have been aiming to turn lead into gold for the longest of times but we belong to The One who turned water into wine. Lead into gold, not that bit an issue either. So why worry about taxes? I don't know that GOD does care the same way we do..., I know HE knows they are a thing, obviously. I just find myself wondering, the offering that is given, much like what was given at the building of The Tabernacle, is given in thanks as much as faith. It is given to the point that there is overflow and more than enough, HIS SON being known for turning a couple of fish and some loaves into enough food to feed thousands. Taxes are collection, governments, like churches, have done it to keep things running and paid for. IF you are giving out of faith and generosity then the tax has no need because the need has already been met. As far as governments, GOD kinda already told Israel what kind of things would happen with a king other than HIM. What we see with -every- government that doesn't put HIM ahead of itself. It's only a matter of time till it happens. It's not a rant, it's human history and all to often it repeats itself, or at the very least rhymes.

For now I leave off on this for the day; what if we lived lives that held to the freedom and security, real security, we have, and are being given by The LORD, that every need was seen to, because more than enough is in the nature of HIS name, a Name that is supposed to be on us, made easier with HIM in us.

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