Asperger's Stem Cell Treatment that works!

2 years ago
86 (833) 445-9089
Hey, this is Josh during buddy clinic and the patient you're going to see in this video came to us with her parents. She's 12 years old. She has Asperger's. So, kind of on the further end of the spectrum, really sweet girl, she's just kind of having some issues, getting focused, sticking on things, different kind of just those connection issues that you see with Asperger's.
So, her parents were looking for a solution. And if you look, there's not a lot you can do in the United States. So, they focused on diet, they focused on anything they can to improve for wellbeing. And they've done a good job gotten as far as they can. And now they've kind of hit that next step. So, they started looking into stem cell.
They've heard a lot of good feedback from other patients that have come to us from their parents. And you can see here, she's doing our autism protocol. And with this protocol, she's being a bit older. We do change it up a little bit. We do a few more sets. We always do a hundred billion IV is what we start with that gets throughout the whole system.
So that's what we do. A hundred billion in the ID all at once, because about 80% around that range gets stuck in the heart and the lungs. That's the first pass with the ID. And we don't want that. We want as many to get through as possible, which is why we flood this. And typically see a bit higher percentage get through.
Then what we do is we do the intrathecal administration. This is where we go into the back end of the spinal fluid to allow those cells. And in her case, we did 50 million because of her size to get into the cerebral spinal fluid, which gets to the. And allows that change to happen. It allows the neurons to interact with what are called neurotrophic factors helps increase neural activity helps with, um, just cognition, focus, all of that and repair any damage that's in there.
We're really doing our best to help that. And that's why we progress to the intrathecal. It's super safe. I've personally done it with no anesthesia with children. We go into the operating room. We have one anesthesiologist that puts them under what, the gas, and before they do that, they prep them and give them it’s a, I forget the name of the drink, but basically gets them a little loopy and prevents them from forming memories around the experience that there's no trauma or bad experience.
The blood brain barrier is tough to pass, but the cells being more global shape when they get to the blood brain barrier, they can kind of change. You think about a mouse slipping under. They're able to do that and pass through it is still a bit tougher and some won't make it through. So, it's not the most effective intrathecal is the most effective for the brain.
But even that we saw a huge difference in cognitive ability, improves speech patterns with children that started doing that. We just progress get better and better with each, you know, thing that we can add to it and get there. So again, our goal is to help each patient so that they see a real difference with one treatment.
And then if they want to come back and say like a year or two and do some more to kind of keep that progression going, we're here because unfortunately this is not a cure. This is simply a way to. The progress going, which is what we're out for. We want to see progress. We want to see these kids getting better and better and having his normal life as possible.
So that's what we're doing here at dream body clinic. Um, that's a quick overview. We're here in beautiful part of our that I like to joke and they call it cheap Hawaii. You got these jungle mountains coming right up to the Pacific ocean. It's a beautiful place. It's super safe. You don't have to. I'm from Seattle originally.
I've lived here 13 years and there isn't even a scary part of town. There's not even a part of town. I'd be afraid to be out at 2:00 AM by myself. So come on down, Mexico, isn't this big, scary place. Like the news has made it out to be, um, just like they try to make it out that they have the best health care up there.
If you just go to, um, scroll down, you'll see the autism protocol read through it. Everything's there. Prices. No, I hate it when you go and you, you can't even get that kind of information. Everything you need to know is there. So that's where we're at. We're dream body clinic.
I'm Josh. Happy to help.

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