From Childish to Child-Like... (Matthew 18:1-4)

3 years ago
All to often we get to a place of struggle and in our need to figure out how to blame, or how to do it, or any of the thousands of questions that the world asks we get lose in it. We are often told by the world that, "But God can't be your answer to everything." My question to this is: Why not? Yes, it is a very child-ly response but it isn't a blind answer; the Bible after all is rather against "blind faith" as we know it culturally. It's an answer of trust. It's Christmas Season so let's use a quick example for what I mean (aside from the post):

World says that it is the time to buy people gifts and spend money that we may not have as we are at the same time told to believe and give to churches. If you are in a place where you have less than $10 to your name, that's a horrifying place of struggle and attack, questions of how to do it, will you be able to, "How can anyone have a good Christmas with so little?"
The answer I was learned came as questions: "So, what is money based off of" Well supposed to be the gold standard. "And does gold even last forever." Well no, between oils on the hands and time, it's about as long lasting as tissue paper on a geological scale. "And do I not provide even water from rocks and bread from Heaven?" Well, yeah, not just in the Word, in so many places in my life. "So why would it be any different now? Will I still not provide for you as I have said I would?" And it started me thinking on a new way of not just finances but everything. If HE is GOD-Over-It, then HE is GOD over it.
Consistency in logic, right? If a is a then a is a; because GOD is consistent in character then THIS {Whatever "this" may be"} will be handled too. Faith. Child-like, trust that HE IS.

We all to often try to put human characteristics and nature on GOD. Forgetting that we are the image, the reflection, so HIS thoughts aren't going to be ours any more than your reflection in a mirror or body of water thinks the way you do. People tend to fail, (I mean it's the literal meaning of the word in Hebrew. To fail) GOD does not. So why would HE start now with you and your giant? Like a small child trusts that it will be okay, we can too in faith and knowledge that HE is faithful to HIS word and watches over it to see it fulfilled exactly as intended and not returning to HIM till it has accomplished what it was meant to. (Isaiah 55)

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