Jesus is ready to grab His bride and will leave people left behind

2 years ago

Time is up and Jesus is ready to grab His bride and will leave people left behind, if you are not ready for Jesus you will not be taken at all in the rapture, you can't fool God at all!! He will take only True believers and will leave all the phony lukewarm church people and pastors left behind, it will be hell on earth after the rapture happens and no one will care if you went to church or anything, no one will care at all about anyone, America will be attacked and completely destroyed!! There will be murders everywhere, rapes, people will steal and no one will care, churches will be destroyed, bibles ripped apart, it will be hell on earth but this is the start of the tribulation period, the middle half will be the worst part of the great tribulation, the antichrist will break his treaty with Israel and will go after the Jews and anyone who doesn't worship him and will kill them all and persercute all the tribulation saints, it will not be fun at all to get left behind, Jesus will not come back and get those left behind, you are either for Jesus and will be killed for not worshipping the antichrist and getting his cursed vaccine mark of the beast or follow the antichrist and suffer God wrath being poured out on everyone who worships the antichrist, and will be cut down for worshiping the antichrist, there is no middle ground in the tribulation period at all!!

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