Lost in darkness and found by The LIGHT. (Matthew 18:12-14)

3 years ago

It's a well known parable, sometimes familiarity can cause a lack of want to dig into more and new. Just in these there are hints of so many places, be it the Greek or the translation there is still love. Love that sees us to a place of light and peace from shadowed darkness.
Perhaps you haven't been in a place of struggle like I described. If you haven't seen a valley that dark, rejoice for The LORD has been good to you. If you have seen that darkness then you know the brilliant of the Chain-Breaking-Life-Light that bursts forth and gives that moment of hope. So in a way the rescued sheep is as happy to see the Man as the Man is to rescue the sheep.
The Slain-Lamb leading from darkness into Light. GOD doesn't want us to perish, sometimes we do, sometimes there are those that will fall away and never really come home. GOD wants us all though. The final sorting to be done, that's not really our domain, and the fruit reflects what we need to know there. No, in this place, in this time, waiting for Kingdom Come, HE does go looking and wants every set of lips to speak the Truth, that HE is KING. Every lip will, how much easier for those who see it. Who have been in darkness and set free. Not just of the chains of those places but chains so much deeper. Chains that the world can't even guess at yet, HE sees and sets free of. That's the Love we are shown. The Light out of the valley of darkness and onto a mountain place, safe in the hills with the 99. {Who should be welcoming with love and rejoicing that GOD is going looking for -all- of HIS kids} and being one with The SON...

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