Why Massive Abandoned Domes were Deserted in Arizona's Desert

2 years ago

The Casa Grande Domes in Arizona are some of the most unique and interesting structures in the state. But why were they abandoned? In this video, we'll take a look at the history of the Casa Grande Domes and explore the possible reasons for their abandonment. We'll also take a tour of the domes and see what they look like today.

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IT’S HISTORY - Weekly tales of American Urban Decay as presented by your host Ryan Socash.


Scriptwriter - Imana Schoch,
Editor - Sebastian Ripoll,
Host - Ryan Socash

Albrecht, John. “Haunted Domes Condemned after Cave-In.” Blasting News, November 4, 2017. https://us.blastingnews.com/curiosities/2017/11/haunted-domes-condemned-after-cave-in-002145155.html.
Bullet. “The Domes of Casa Grande.” Autopsy of Architecture, September 26, 2020. https://autopsyofarchitecture.com/the-domes-of-casa-grande/.
“Crumbling, Iconic, Haunted? Future Uncertain for Casa Grande Domes.” KJZZ, June 5, 2017. https://kjzz.org/content/484088/crumbling-iconic-haunted-future-uncertain-casa-grande-domes.
DISPATCH, Joe Meahl CASA GRANDE. “Casa Grande Area's Curious 'Domes' Are Put up for Sale.” Arizona Daily Star, August 24, 2009. https://tucson.com/business/casa-grande-areas-curious-domes-are-put-up-for-sale/article_c909c2f1-dce1-562e-8e10-bdef03dff85a.html.
Ferguson, Julie. “The Secrets of the Domes.” The Secrets of the Domes. Blogger, January 22, 2019. http://www.echoesofthesouthwest.com/2010/09/secrets-of-domes.html.
“Innerconn Technology, Inc..” OpenCorporates. Accessed August 13, 2022. https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_ca/C0551005.
Lawrence, Katie. “There Are Abandoned Domes in Arizona That Were Never Completed and They're Eerily Fascinating.” OnlyInYourState, March 4, 2022. https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/arizona/never-completed-abandoned-place-az/.
Morrison, Jim. “What Is the Domes Casa Grande?” Errl Cup. Errl Cup, January 5, 2017. https://www.theerrlcup.com/what-is-the-domes-casa-grande/.
PlacesThatWere. “Casa Grande Domes: A Mysterious Abandoned Anomaly in Arizona.” Places That Were, May 24, 2016. https://www.placesthatwere.com/2015/11/mysterious-abandoned-casa-grande-domes.html.
So. “Domes / Kg Guest Essay.” Domes / KG Guest Essay. Blogger, May 2, 2016. https://esotericsurvey.blogspot.com/2015/06/domes-kg-guest-essay.html.

Ugc. “The Domes.” Atlas Obscura. Atlas Obscura, October 9, 2009. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/domes.

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