Speaking to the 3D Printed Berretta 92 and 1911 Devs & More!

2 years ago

Been a while hasn't it? Either way today I speak to Gerald.Katz (the developer of the printed Berretta 92FS frame) and Freeman1337 (the developer of the printed 1911 "OK Boomer" frame) about their progress in their beta projects while I have been away. What is the "& More" you ask? You'll just have to watch and see!

Follow Freeman1337 here: https://twitter.com/Freeman13372
Follow Gerald.Katz here: https://twitter.com/GeraldKatz9

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Give me money by using these links or donating internet fun money.

Ender 3 V2: https://amzn.to/3cw9UZ0

CR touch: https://amzn.to/3znIoWN

Magnetic tray: https://amzn.to/3knHJgr

PLA Plus I used for parts: https://amzn.to/3OpJ6XC

The ASA I used: https://amzn.to/3tRQpPe

Sunlu Filament dryer: https://amzn.to/2SjEbQT

Crypto Wallets:
Monero: 87cmz4KQoPZNtzrt2qVBgVZPtTo3STdQhd5JYmYRFRnZC3zZjrkXUirgMdqUq7jCDjS2Ec2nrXEFNNoP5YfS3sbERN3d9vT
Ethereum: 0x75bD713372a7F7EB70f7ca0b6BE3EB75f2DC82De
Litecoin: ltc1q8l0xc55lqcl5ya4hmn0yzm99tpdgqmnzm3sewy
BAT: 0x75bD713372a7F7EB70f7ca0b6BE3EB75f2DC82De (or directly through the Brave Browser)
BitcoinCash: bitcoincash:qq0h5nys278w3q68dh6rez2qduxs4uccmgjj6jqx9k
Chainlink: 0x75bD713372a7F7EB70f7ca0b6BE3EB75f2DC82De

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