Where the heart is. (Matthew 19:16-22)

3 years ago

What if following has more to do with where the heart is than anything the playground has to offer or the world focuses on?

Oh and don't worry about verse 17, we will be playing with it a whole lot more Monday when we dig into 23-28. In truth I think that it and verse 26 are the crux of much of what I have been getting shown as I go through it this time.
If you think you are getting in on being good, think again. JESUS (The Son of GOD mind you) says that humanly speaking it's impossible but with GOD everything is. Is it easy to fully take in, in our world of good-deeds and look-at-mes that all of it will count for not if we stand before GOD without being covered in The Blood of The LAMB? Is it easy to take in an understanding that we have nothing to offer GOD and HE is in fact offering everything for that nothing? Probably not. Some spend their whole lives trying to get to just that part, others know that even the something they have to offer is as nothing because it was GOD'S in the first place.

Is it easy to understand? Not really, and yet amazingly, depending on the heart involved. If your heart is sad you'd have to give something up to follow GOD, I implore you, don't do as this guy, don't let the sad heart turn you away, cast off whatever it is because something greater is coming. And if you have walked away because of a sad heart, know that HE welcomes the prodigal child home, even if the older brother doesn't always. Know that there is hope because HIS love and HIS mercy endure forever.

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