Personal Vengeance – Being Dad with Phil Lower, September 3, 2022

2 years ago

There are 13 things that we all need to remove from our lives if we are going to be successful.

These things are absolutely holding you back and all of them you have a degree of control over. Usually, that control is 100%.

1. An unhealthy lifestyle – Letting go of an unhealthy lifestyle takes self-control, but will improve quality of life. It requires a commitment to physical activity and eating well.
2. Short-term goals – They’ll only lead to short-term results.
3. Small ideas – If you’re not shooting for something big, you’ll never find out what you’re truly capable of.
4. Excuses – Success means taking responsibility for your life, even when you can only control your outlook.
5. A “fixed mind-set” – Without hard work, brains and talent won’t lead to success. Success is about embracing a “growth mind-set” and spending serious time learning how to be better at all you do.
6. “Magic bullets” – Focus on incremental improvements.
7. Perfectionism – Accept that things are never perfect, and take a first step anyway. You can always adjust later.
8. Multitasking – Do just one thing, with focus, until it’s done.
9. Trying to control everything – Being overly controlling is counterproductive. Recognize which variables you can control, and put your attention on those.
10. Saying yes all the time – Give time and attention only to things that further your goals. This may mean missing out on a few experiences, but the payoff will be big.
11. Toxic relationships – Consider the people you see most often. Being around people who are doing well will make you more successful, too. If toxic people are dragging you down, see them less.
12. Worries about being liked – If you’re doing something truly innovative, some people won’t approve and that’s okay. Stick to your vision, and take detractors as a sign that you’re stirring up things in a good way.
13. Television and social media – Unless they’re directly linked to something you’re trying to achieve, minimize or get rid of them altogether. When you do, you’ll find you have more time to enjoy.

Now, here’s today’s lesson. When other people are contributing to these problem areas. Handle them with empathy but segregate them away from you to the degree you can.

When the person who is causing you your problems is yourself, give yourself the same empathy but judge yourself worthy of success and correct yourself to move forward.

Thoughts from 1 Thessalonians 5:15

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