Tares Among the Wheat - Part 17 - Demons and How They Influence Mankind

2 years ago

As Christians, we face social, political and religious attacks in our day, and there are dark spiritual forces at work driving much of what we see. Scripture is very clear when it says, “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12). These demonic forces are behind every act of terror the world has ever known, and their activity is tireless. However, God always remains sovereign (Psa 10:16; 103:19; 135:6; Isa 45:5-7; Dan 4:35), and His plan for ages continues, as He “works all things after the counsel of His will” (Eph 1:11), calling people to faith in Christ (John 3:16; 2 Pet 3:9), to advance to spiritual maturity (1 Cor 14:20; Eph 4:13; Heb 6:1), and to live righteously in this fallen world (Tit 2:11-14). To read in full, see Dr. Cook’s book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09WXT7NL3

Other recommended sources referenced in this lesson:

Dr. Charles Ryrie – Basic Theology: https://smile.amazon.com/Basic-Theology-Systematic-Understanding-Biblical-ebook/dp/B00L1U5W2O
Dr. Merrill F. Unger – Biblical Demonology: https://smile.amazon.com/Biblical-Demonology-Study-Spiritual-Forces-ebook/dp/B001YQF1Z8
Dr. Steven R. Cook – Yahweh’s Holy War: https://thinkingonscripture.com/2020/11/25/yahwehs-holy-war/

Steve’s Blog: https://thinkingonscripture.com/
Steve’s Podcast: https://windowwalker.podbean.com/
Steve’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B005FSY6XO
Steve’s Audio Lessons: https://thinkingonscripture.com/audio-video/

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