What's your treasure? (Matthew 19:28 - 20:16)

3 years ago

What is it that you think you get out of following The ONE? In these verses I see love that wants to draw in the unwelcomed and unwanted. I see hope for those who want to be of use to something, someone, The ONE, who is greater than themselves. I see a loving reminder to the 99, to the brother that stayed, and to rejoice as the shepherd does when the lost is found. And in thinking on it I remember how to treat any who are acting as the brother too. Love and greater love than we can fathom or understand is here, inviting, waiting, welcoming, and longing to be in relationship. Will you accept the offer of love that knows your hurt, your heartache, your broke, and wants to put you back together as only The ABBA [Good-Good-Father] can.

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