The Stem Cell Autism Treatment

2 years ago
267 (833) 445-9089
Hey, this is Josh dream body clinic. And the video you're going to see here is a little guy named Bernie came down for treatment with his parents for autism. Autism is just affecting more and more kids these days. It's terrible. And there's not really much you can do about it. We're talking with a lot of parents.
They've dialed diet. They've tried detoxes. No, there's even fecal transplant procedures. There's, you know, hair toxicity analysis. There's so many different things, different ways to try and fix it. And nothing's really getting people there. So what we do here at dream body clinic is we use some Sacramone stem cells.
These are extremely safe. Cells are able to get into the system and guide the immune system to work the way it's supposed to. They also help remove scar tissue. They help target inflammation, find the root cause. And then. The regeneration so that that inflammation can go away and not come back. That's a cool part.
The results you get last and stay. So autism still don't know everything that causes it, but there definitely seemed to be different inflammatory markers, a lot of gut health issues, you know, brain issues, possible inflammation there, and just a lot of different angles going after this. You're even seeing some like metal toxicity and we're not.
But at the end of the day, what we do know is that it makes the lives of the children very difficult, and it makes the lives of the parents very difficult, cause it's not easy to care for these kids. And we want to try and get these kids to his normal life as we can stem cells, they're not a total cure, but the kind of results we're seeing are incredible.
We're seeing kids that went from like full blown couldn't pay attention to anything that are now focused, doing things. Right. In fact, Bernie here, when we left the hospital for the intro. You're going to see some clips up here. He was just calm as could be. He's looking out the window. He's staring at cars.
It's been incredible to see. We start with the intrathecal treatment. Then we move on to the IV treatment. With the IV we get a hundred million stem cells into the system. Again, helping the immune system. They target inflammation, guide the repair of that. And then we do a nebulize session, which is where they're breathing it in really simple.
They breathe it in, it gets to the mucus membranes, passes to the bloodstream, straight to the brain. We're not having to go through the lungs and all the other organs they're just direct shot. Um, it does get it a lot to the lungs too, and there's always benefit there. And then the third day we do one more nebulous.
And it's done. Uh, it's usually a five-day trip. People come down, get everything taken care of, feel better, get their kids, hopefully to a better quality of life. And that's what we're trying to do. Help the parents have an easier time with these kids. We're seeing kids respond better and faster and the community.
Communication is a huge issue in autism. And this has really been helping. So, it's not a cure. I wish this was like a silver bullet that just fixed every issue. And these kids were a hundred percent perfect, but we're taking kids that were down the spectrum and getting them back to the other end closer, maybe courts, Asperger's different, things like that, where they can live a normal life.
So, it's awesome to see. We're helping a lot of people. If you have questions, we'd be happy to help you call us toll free anytime with questions at 833 445 9089 or check out our website, And it's all there.

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