Motocross champion fixes his back with Stem Cells

2 years ago
1.27K (833) 445-9089
Hi, this is Josh dream body clinic. And the video you're gonna see here is a patient who's actually the past four time national motocross cross champion. And over those years of racing and such, he really hurt his back. Pretty much beat up his whole body. That's just part of racing, motocross, what it does.
Unfortunately, it's really fun. We love little cross here at dream body clinic, we've been helping more and more people kind of off-road racing field. And with Stevia, we're actually fixing up this back, had a lot of pain. He had a lot of compressed discs, um, herniations stenosis, um, just inflammation up and down the spine.
It's part of the deal when you're doing those big Jones and that over decades of doing that. So we wanted to help him out and we actually went over. Uh, the day before treatment about a couple of dirt bikes went out there and some trails locally, which just crushed us. The guy was amazing. It was really fun to watch and hanging out with.
But the next day we came here to do the treatment and the fixes back. What we did is we used the sacrament stem cells with this treatment. What we found is that people who have back pain, but it's not quite herniated enough to where it's really causing nerve damage or different issues. We're able to go into.
Around the most effected area, the object mesenchymal stem cells, each shot has 25 million stem cells. And we can do as many we can do as many as we want. But typically our package is that we do a hundred million in an ID, and then we give four injections to the most effected area. Well, you have upper and lower backs.
We did both areas. So instead of just doing a hundred million since snack group do a hundred million bear on a million lumbar spine, can't get all this taken care of. Well, you're going to see here's him getting those injections and they're going to get in there and target inflammation and start guiding the cellular repair.
So this means a few things with the back. In most cases, it's usually there's some pressure on the spinal cord and that's causing nerve pain. So stem cells are able to do there's a neurotrophic factors that guide the neurons to regenerate the nerves in your app, rebuild any mileage, the damage, just get those nerves working for.
We have amazing dental infrastructure and medical, amazing doctors, doctors. That'll sit there and answer your questions. So, if you have any questions, you can call us any time. It's toll free at 833 445 9089. You can check out our website, All the treatments are there listed, scroll down and see them prices.
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There's not even a single person. I'd be afraid to be at two in the morning by yourself. It's that same. So, you know, don't go to the border towns in Mexico, but, uh, down here, south of the border, it is incredible, very safe, tons of Americans and Canadians that live here and it's, uh, can really help you in something you're not able to do that help.
Fortunately, we're able to do it here and we're able to offer it Mexican prices. So it's very affordable, very beneficial, and we'd love to help you. So get ahold of us. If you have any questions again, just give us a call or email us. I'm Josh.

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