The 7 year tribulation will begin if you want it to or not

2 years ago

God has had enough!! He is over it with the wicked, and Lukewarm church people and pastors!! Jesus will grab only those who are His true believers and will leave everyone else left behind, then all the rich, generals, leader's, free and slaves hid themselves in a cave and yelled at the mountains and said fall on us and hide us from Him who sits on the throne for the hour of judgement has come and who can stand the great wrath of the Lamb about to be poured out!! God will make all the wicked suffer His tribulation judgements and He will do it on purpose!! He hates the wicked and will punish them all for mocking Him, using His name in vain, persercuting Christians, using religion and forcing people to accept it, being a rich pastor or country leader and stealing from the poor, abusing wife or employees or children, being sexually immoral and pushing the sodomite junk on everyone all the time, being self righteous church members or pastors and acting like going to church will get you to heaven, giving out the vaccines and people getting them and bragging they got a vaccine, burning Bibles or churches down, Crosses, being drunk, loving magic arts, murdering babies and people, lying, hating those who love the truth, having a form of godliness but denying it's power, being a member of a cult like Islam, Jehovah witness, Catholics, pentecostal, Mormons, new age, being a prostitute, sleeping around with another man wife or sleeping around with a man not your husband, stealing, wanting stuff that is not yours, anyone name is not found written in the Lamb book of life will stand before God at the great white throne judgement and He will tell you all your sins you did alive and will say I never knew you depart from Me you worker of inquinity!! Gabriel!! Bind Mike Jones up and throw him into the lake of fire for I do not know him at all!! Those who rejected Jesus will see Him as your Judge and He will not be nice!! He will not care about your puffed up pronouns junk you use, or if you went to a Baptist church for 50 years!! He will not care if you are gay lesbian trans rainbow trout junkie, He will be your worst nightmare!!! The 7 year tribulation will begin if you want it to or not

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