Decode Your Subconscious to Upgrade Your Impact | Chris Marhefka @ Training Camp For The Soul

3 years ago

Do you know all the latest personal development tips, tricks, tools, and modalities, yet haven't applied them to your life?

Maybe you're a Type-A, hard-charger, that bangs out work. But perhaps there's an easier path that yields better results.

📕  Video chapters
0:00 Introduction
1:01 BPC157 & TB500 peptide protocol
1:47 What is Training Camp for the Soul?
3:05 Reprogramming the subconscious
4:02 The truth about "shadow work"
6:08 Healthy masculinity & femininity
9:15 Heuristic to determine if you're in your masculine or feminine
17:43 Language and labels we use create our reality
22:09 Dangers of using "I am" statements
23:12 Chris's soul healing tools
23:26 IFS, Inner Child, Parts Work. Re-parenting
29:50 Benefits of soul work include fixing your physiology, alleviating chronic pain, making life flow smoother
32:33 Using Somatics to correlate your inner and outer worlds
38:39 Overriding the subconscious steals willpower from your more important decisions
40:34 Biohacking your systems will not work in the long-term (bioharmonize instead)
41:49 Breath grants us access to reprogram our nervous system in real-time
46:59 Simple rule of using breathwork properly

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📝 About our guest
Chris is the CEO and Facilitator at Training Camp for the Soul. He came into this healing work after over a decade in entrepreneurship and coaching. Having done countless programs and reading hundreds of personal development books, Chris kept running into the same challenges showing up in his life. It wasn’t until he found Training Camp for the Soul and did the program for himself that he was able to truly transform his life by going deeper. The healing work Chris focuses on is a combination of breath, somatics, energy work, story work, inner-child work, mindset, and other modalities to get deeper into the subconscious and heal at the root.

🔗 Links
- Full episode show notes:
- Music by Luke Hall:

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