2022 Biketoberfest: Gabe Setting Up At Cabbage Patch Bar

2 years ago

#Biketoberfest2022 #attorneythatridesrocks #cabbagepatch
YES! I am setting up at the world famous Spotnick's Cabbage Patch bar during 2022 Biketoberfest. Florida has the best Biker events with Bike Week, SFPC Toys in the Sun Run, and Leesburg Bike Week.

I will have free stickers, lighters, and a FREE RAFFLE for a basket of liquid cheer worth over $200! I have been banned by Facebook & Instagram but I refused to stop doing what I love....... Fighting for my people!

I am back in town from the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge so if you have a friend or family member that needs an Attorney tell them to "GET GABE!"

TEL: 954-533-7593

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