They will NOT succeed. Psalm 21:11 The CCP will be EXPOSED.9/2/22

2 years ago

Once again Ray Wigdal tells it EXACTLY like it is happening. We must pray as Christians and work harder to EXPOSE the diabolical multifaceted plan as the Communist Chinese pay out to the traitors here in the US to attempt to completely destroy us. It is NOT WHAT THEY HATE THAT MOTIVATES THEM, IT IS WHAT THEY LOVE THAT MOTIVATES THEM. THEY LOVE THE HUGE ABOUT OF MONEY COMING FROM THE COMMUNIST LEADERS. Psalm 21:11 "Though they intended evil against You
And devised a plot,
They will not succeed." 9/2/22 Homer, Alaska Pray for us to rescue and care for flood victims in Pakistan in the Name of Jesus.

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