You’re Eating TOO MUCH SUGAR If You’re Suffering From These 11 Signs

2 years ago

What's your diet like? Do you feel like you're eating too many sweets? You don't need to stuff candy down your throat every minute to be getting your sugar fix for the day. That could come in so many other ways. Did you know that over 11% of the U.S. population has diabetes? That's over 37 million people. An estimated 8 million people have it without being diagnosed.

Let's talk today about some signs you're eating way too much sugar. Are you constantly gaining weight? Do you get easily irritated? Are you having digestive issues? Let's talk about all that AND more...

Medical Disclaimer:

#SugarIntake #TooMuchSugar #Bestie


Intro - 0:00
Digestive Issues - 00:34
Brain Fog - 01:22
Getting Pimples - 02:03
Joint Pain - 02:37
Sleeping Properly - 03:08
Too Tired - 03:48
Teeth Are Suffering - 04:36
Work Life - 05:19
High Blood Pressure - 06:10
Gaining Weight - 06:50
Constantly In A Mood - 07:39


Digestive Issues
One of the first signs you’ll notice is your inability to properly digest food. When you start feeling those stomach cramps set in, you’re going to dread the act of eating.

Brain Fog
If every meal you’re eating contains gross added sugar, your cognitive ability is going to be affected. You’ll notice yourself unable to focus or remember details.

Getting Pimples
Finding a random pimple on your face is always annoying. Waking up to dozens is a horror show. This is another one of the signs that you’re eating way too much sugar.

Joint Pain
Have you been feeling tension in your joints lately? Just a relentless pain that won’t go away? While this naturally comes with age, it may also be your body giving you a warning.

Sleeping Properly
Tossing and turning in the night can be brought on by a lot of things. In today’s day and age, a little too much phone time is all you need to be kept up.

Too Tired
Well, duh! I mean, if you’re not sleeping properly, of course you’re going to be tired. Well it’s not just a poor sleep cycle that contributes to this.

Teeth Are Suffering
You’ve been hearing this since you were a young kid. Too much sugar will make your teeth rot. This is one of those things that’s absolutely true. Simply put, sugar will give you cavities.

Work Life
When you consume massive amounts of sugar, it’s not just sleepiness that sets in. Even if you’re able to keep yourself awake, you’re going to feel gross and sluggish.

High Blood Pressure
Has your latest blood pressure test at the doctor left you horrified? It should! You’ve been eating too many sweets, and it’s beginning to hurt your heart.

Gaining Weight
Like acne, this is a sign of sugar overload you can see just by looking in the mirror. If you’re noticeably heavier, it may be time to cut back on the sugar.

Constantly In A Mood
Are your friends commenting on your sudden change in attitude? Do you find yourself getting annoyed a lot quicker these days? Well this is pretty common with high sugar consumption. Too much sugar can mess with your head and cause mood swings.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

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