We are the light bearers (The Lamp Stand Mark 4:21-25)

2 years ago

We are the light bearers (The Lamp Stand Mark 4:21-25)
Today we begin, to look at how God’s Kingdom is shared by beginning to study the parable of the lamp and lamp stand from Mark 4:21-24. This parable is also mentioned in Luke 8:16-18 and Matthew 5:15-16, and the parable gives us as believer’s great insight as to whose responsibility it is to share the Kingdom of God. The parable begins by asking a simple question that gets the audience’s attention, is a candle purchased to be hidden under a bed or basket? Jesus had just delivered some very important truths about the Kingdom of God to His audience (Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, The Parable of the sorrow in Mark 4 and Luke 😎, and then he poses this question. The question is asking the audience, what are you going to do with the light (truth) that I just gave you? Are you going to hide it away and share it? Are you going to hide a candle under a bed or are you going to lift it up and place it on the lamp stand where the light can be shared with everyone around you? The same question is posed to those reading these words today, what are we going to do with the light of God’s Kingdom?
In God’s Kingdom it is the job of His followers to be the light bearers and sharers of the light (truth) with the word around them. In the Great Commission (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19), Jesus commands His followers to go into all the world proclaiming the gospel to everyone. In Acts 1:8 we see that the purpose of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to empower us to witness (share the light) with the world around us. In the gospel of John, we see that Jesus is referred to as the light of the world and in John 8:12 Jesus even says that He is the light of the world. This is the light that we are to be lifting high in our lives for the world to see because as John 12:32 says if Jesus be lifted high then all men will be drawn unto him. (Speaking of His crucifixion but also figuratively in our lives) As believers we have to accept that it is our responsibility to take the light (truth) that has been revealed to us by God and share it with the world. We are saved and redeemed to be the light bearers to the world and lead others into the Kingdom.

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