5. From the Flatline to the Frontline; PART 1 with Nick Burriel [S1 | Ep. 5]

2 years ago

From Flatline to the Frontlines. Another show first, Overflow in Alaska, PhillVill’s food coma in Seattle, compelling conversation with modern-day Lazarus, meet the real Nick Burriel Jr, and on behalf of the handcapable‘s.

Episode 5 brings us another first for the widely burgeoning show. We’ve experienced on location and off location episodes and now this landmark show treats us to best of both worlds. PhillVill on the home front while Loto signals in from Alaska.

5 opens with Loto confessing his role in sending PhillVill into a food coma in Seattle. They share their admiration for a guest who is sure to be an Overflow family favorite. A true modern-day Lazarus.

Meet the real Nick Burriel Jr. who entered the workforce as a model and actor at an age most kids are learning to tie their shoes, Dean’s list 3 times, community ambassador for education, and a full scholarship to University of San Francisco. Nick junior was well on his way to an amazing life. And then the worst possible nightmare became a reality for Nick and his family.

Due to a violently brutal attack Nick died. Listen as he describes this horrific reality. You will never be the same after.

Nick's story does not end with the violet attack. Glory to God! You will be riveted as nick jr describes one of the greatest comeback stories. Heroes usually grow up around heroes. You will hear about Nick's amazing parents and his biggest fan in the world.

The show closes with our own physically challenged host. Sharing a very intimate and vulnerable reality he really talks about. This is a rare show where the special needs community and those who are able can come together and experience overflow together.

Don’t forget to subscribe and share for new content. Visit us on your favorite social platforms and drop us a line or two. We will see you next week. Lord bless.


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