90% Hollywood no longer humans. CIA MK Ultra Illuminati children soul-scalped & body identity stolen

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (August 2022). President Dwight Eisenhower (demon-possessed MK Ultra mind-programmed D.I.D. “kill all Christians ranting” genocidal maniac “Satan Lucifer’s fake truth movement” New Age Wicca witch feminist Laura Eisenhower’s great grandfather), who exterminated hundreds of thousands of religious Christian hordes in his death camps, was an Illuminati NWO Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar pedophile cannibal Satanist, who raped and murdered and ate thousands of child sex slaves like Cisco Wheeler. They train the Illuminati family children with MK Ultra mind-programming to split them into “multiple personality disorder” different demon spirit housing demon-possessed personalities that can be used for assassination or disinformation or New Age witchcraft propagation and “fake truth movement” cover-ups New Age diversions and pedophile slave growers and cannibal rituals and super soldiers and sex slaves and businessmen and politicians and Hollywood celebrities and other roles. Each child’s job is decided while they are children, whether it is politicians or celebrities or pastors or school teacher kidnappers or royal families or corporate executives or military leaders or police chiefs or court judges or idol singers. All the top were Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatars, but now, there are a lot of Pleiadian fallen angel incarnate avatars that have taken over. 90 percent of Hollywood and the music industry are not humans. The Illuminati blood sacrifice ritual New Age Wicca witch Druid Babylonian Atlantis nephilim civilization “old religion” occultist necromancy “Venusian Pleiadian Ashtar alien contactee” “ascended masters contactee” spirit guide channeling Hollywood celebrities and idol singers made a spiritual contract with Satan Lucifer, and they receive wealth and fame and power and sex and drugs and rock & roll. However, they are alien-abducted into one of the underground bases where they are soul-scalped and their bodies & identities are stolen by these nephilim & chimera fake aliens or fallen angel fake aliens. If you make a contract with the devil, the devil will steal your soul. The 34 million American Luciferian homes and millions of Western feminist nations’ Satanist families’ children are told from small childhood that God is evil, and they are read Bible verses that talk about God’s righteous judgment upon the wicked. By age five, the children are drugged and tortured and sodomized, in order to place the LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) demon spirits into their bodies through sodomy. By age 12, they are told about their genealogical roots of the Draco reptilian chimera fake alien nephilims and Pleiadian fallen angel fake alien avatars, and they are introduced to their demon spirits who they call “spirit guides” and “higher selves.” They are subject to trance witchcraft meditation and demonic possession. The fallen angel devils “ascended masters” demonic spirits come with a price and that price is blood sacrifice of human children. These fallen angel devils that take over the child’s minds and the handler and child all work together to create alter multiple personalities for the fallen angel devils to use. These alter personalities of demon spirits in the person is created using sodomy, which sends electromagnetic shock waves up the spine to shatter the brain and split the mind into compartments for the demons to inhabit. The Illuminati fallen angel incarnate avatar black nobility families use hatred toward God to keep their MK Ultra CIA Nazi mind-control Satanist slaves under control. They use false flag terrorism to control people by fear.

Photos at: https://mewe.com/i/chapihezver
Photos at: https://gab.com/humanracesurvivalresistance
Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100018513877047

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