11 GOP Try for SOS Positions

2 years ago

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Just two months before the mid-term elections, attention is focusing on races that usually go unnoticed. Campaigns for secretaries of state are usually low-profile contests, featuring little-known candidates.

That changed in 2020 when the job of counting ballots and certifying elections became a key part of the alleged election fraud in the Presidential election. Secretaries of state—charged with certifying election results—found themselves in the spotlight. In eleven states, including some key election battlegrounds, the Republican candidate has openly expressed doubts about the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. They have been dubbed “election deniers” .

Alabama: State Rep. Wes Allen endorsed the state of Texas’ legal challenge to the 2020 election results. Among his campaign promises: withdrawing Alabama from The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a non-profit organization that aims to help states manage lists of eligible voters.
Arizona state representative Mark Finchem has spoken out for years about corruption in American politics, and has repeatedly stated that Trump won the 2020 election. Finchem was present at the “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, and led efforts in Arizona to challenge the results of the 2020 election.
Connecticut: Dominic Rapini is the former chair of Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., an organization alleging widespread fraud in the 2020 Presidential election. He left that position in August 2021, and since then has been reluctant to directly address the issue with reporters.
Indiana: Republican candidate Diego Morales has spoken forcefully about what he calls “the scam perpetrated against all Americans” in 2020. Morales served as an aide to Mike Pence when Pence was governor of Indiana.
Massachusetts: Rayla Campbell is a radio host who has repeatedly used her platform to declare that Trump was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. “Our great president [Trump] is THE President elected for the next four years. We know it. They’re trying to steal an election because they can’t win or do anything right,” she said on her show immediately after election day.
Michigan: Kristina Karamo first gained attention in 2020, when she claimed to have witnessed corruption in the processing of mail-in ballots in Detroit.
Minnesota: Kim Crockett is a lawyer has said this about the 2020 election: “I don’t think the word ‘lawless’ is too strong.”
Nevada: Jim Marchant is perhaps the most forceful critic of American democracy currently running for public office. Beyond claims of election fraud in 2020, he has stated that all elections in America are controlled by hidden powers.
New Mexico: Audrey Trujillo has called the 2020 election “a huge, huge, I would say coup, to unseat a president.” On her campaign Facebook page, she wrote, “Trump’s election was stolen.”
Vermont: Brooke Paige is a conservative activist who has expressed support for the Jan. 6 protest at the U.S. Capitol, and has consistently alleged that the 2020 election was “stolen”. In posts to his Facebook campaign page, he has claimed the fraud happened by “stuffing the ballot box and corrupting the tabulation of the election results.”
Wyoming: Following the 2020 election, Republican Wyoming state Rep. Chuck Gray pushed Wyoming’s governor to support the Texas-led lawsuit to overturn election results in four states. He has repeatedly called 2020 “the fraudulent election” in interviews and speeches.
Mid-term, elections, campaigns, democrat, republican, ballots, fraud, vote, Secretaries of state, SOS, States United Democracy Center, nonprofit, AK, HI, UT, lieutenant, Arizona, AZ, Georgia, GA, NV, Michigan, MI, President, Trump, brandon, biden, Eisen, Obama, White House, MA, Chief, Deputy, Attorney, General, Joanna, Lydgate, New Jersey, NJ, Governor, Christine, Todd, Whitman, AL, Wes, Mark, Finchem, CN, Morales, IN, campbell, karamu, crockett, MN, Marchant, Trujillo, NM, VT, Paige, WY, Gray

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