Economy for everyone

2 years ago

Why do we pay VAT when we buy bread but not when we buy shares on the stock exchange?
Why are most countries in debt and to whom?
Who owns natural resources and how to stop climate change?
Why should we have a UBI and how to fund it?
Watch this very shareable, 2.5 minute video animation on how the economy works and how it should!

This is a market. Place where we exchange our products and services with each other. And money is an ingenious invention that makes exchanges simple, fast and easy. We work, sell our products and services, earn money and then buy from others what we need.
But some of us earn more than they need to buy everything they wanted from the market. They then pull out money from the market and put it in the financial market. Consequently, there is less and less money in the goods and services market, but the financial market grows and grows.
And grows and becomes so powerful that it takes control of our governments, media and institutions.
On the other hand, our states also withdraw money from the market in the form of absurd taxes on work and consumption.
Although, sometimes, our governments want to give a little back to those who lack money to buy what they need (and thus stimulate the economy), The Deep State says: “No…
Have some loans, give money to our companies and banks and pay the interest to us and everything will be fine.”
What we need to do is to impose and sell global concessions on natural resources, differentiated according to natural environmental impact, of course, and tax on international financial transactions. By this means we should found global basic income for all.
At the national level, we should shift taxation from labor and consumption to saving and speculation, found national basic income and our economy would run like a well-oiled machine and bring prosperity and welfare to all of us.

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