5G, Graphene Oxide and Nanotechnology

2 years ago

5G, Graphene Oxide and Nanotechnology

Mr. Delgado: Well, Dr. Sevillano, who is an important part of the fifth column, and who accompanies us on the live shows every night, said: 'when they start injecting people, we will really realize what is happening'. Up to that point we knew, until then, that people were falling near telephone antennas; in fact, old people's homes, 8 out of 10 antennas were placed in old people's homes, now we understand why. We went so far as to estimate the mortality of nursing homes. Another cofactor was the flu vaccine. There were certain reports, such as the report from Barbastro, an area here in Teruel in Spain, and we had recorded that, uh, those who were not vaccinated against the flu, practically all of them survived. And those who were vaccinated against influenza, there was a very high mortality linked to Covid 19; and morbidity from the disease as well.
5G neutralisation here: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651/
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