Stephen & Silas discuss their SMV (It's over 9,000!🤯) | Who decides our Sexual Market Value? clip

2 years ago

Peeps: How dare you rank someones SMV! Think you're much better?
Me: Nah, mine sucks in general too. I'm speaking from lived experience😅
SMV is our potential partners subjective valuation of some of our objective qualities. We discuss our SMV & try not to cry.

Who decides what our value as X is? We begin this conversation by defining what we mean by SMV & economics in relation to the original post & comparison about how sexual history may be valued. We then delve into the comments the get into relationship dynamics, shaming language, personalization of the abstract & more in the attempt to understand the problems that occur from the different ways people define the same X.


merchandise, socials, support & more :

Thank you for your time & almost any input is appreciated

#smv #relationships #sexualmarketvalue

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