Exclusive Interview: Dr. Ardis & Dr. Henry Ealy- Medical Board Tyranny & Grand Juries

2 years ago

Jonathon Otto shares exclusive information that’s being heard for the first time…

Dr. Ardis updated viewers about the board’s decision to drop their perusal against him for speaking out against their murderouscrimes- He shared his perspective on things

Dr. Ardis and Dr. Ealy discussed the board’s current actions to try to silence future doctors from fighting back…

Dr. Ealy shared insight into what you can do to outflank authorities who respond with tyranny when you push back against their unethical actions

Dr. Ealy discussed the progress with his Grand Jury Petition. This fight is far from over, and he explains what everyone who cares about this can do to help.
On March 24, 2020, the CDC changed how death certificates are reported, but only for COVID. What the change did was it allowed them to move down and de-emphasize every pre-existing condition and elevate COVID as the primary cause of death.

By Doing So, They Violated Three Federal Laws

1. The Administrative Procedures Act - Every single federal agency has to do the same thing the same way.

2. The Paperwork Reduction Act - They removed the ability for public comment.

3. The Information Quality Act - No federal agency can publish information that is not verifiable and accurate.

Dr. Henry Ealy: "So when they changed the death certificates to emphasize COVID, they actually hyperinflated death certificates ... by 88.6% to 94.0%."

Want accountability for these criminals? Sign the petition below to help convene a Grand Jury investigation against the CDC.


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