Scott Esk's Thoughts on Run-Off Loss

2 years ago

If I lost my run-off because my opponent's stands on the issues were better received than mine, of course it's disappointing after all that hard work to lose a race, especially when I placed 1st (with God's good help!) in the Primary, but it would be acceptable. However, if people allowed themselves to be hornswaggled by a vicious smear campaign that both the radicalized media and my opponent participated in, that makes the loss downright unbearable. I have asked that Republican leadership censure the use of attack ads by 1 Republican in an election against another, in part because it creates winners (when voters are gullible enough to be swayed by the deceptive attack ads!) not based on stands on the issues (which is most important in any political contest), but on distractions. This is truly vile behavior. I thank God for the many good friends I've made running for House District 87, and hope and pray that in other races, good grassroots Constitutionalists will get into the Legislature to deal with our national emergency in which Legislators, County Sheriffs, District Attorneys, the Attorney General, and others can team up to make sure that oppressive and unConstitutional federal edicts are no longer allowed to be enforced or financed in the Sooner State in particular, and in states in general. Another alternative is civil war, and I'd rather not see that option come into play. I go back now to being the Constitutional activist I have been before running in this race, and hope to convince those who have the power to protect us to honor their oath of office to uphold the Constitution, and prevent the federal government, especially in the Executive Branch, from tyrannizing us.

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