Tenacity, Staying Positive, Believing in Yourself - Jay Skinner -Go Live!

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Tenacity, Staying Positive, Believing in Yourself
You've heard the saying “winners never quit and quitters never win.” How's that been in your life? Oh I know there are times when you need to quit because you're on the wrong track and it's obvious and you readjust knowing that you can do better. You stay positive and you learn from your mistakes and you believe that you can make the necessary adjustments to be successful.
“Quitters never win and winners never quit.”
Think about your life… think about where you have been… where you are now and where you are going. Now forget where you've been.. that's the past, that's just old history. If it's great stuff and you've been quite successful super, that's awesome.. but what's going on today.. and if your past has been terrible and you've been used and abused and terrible things have happened.. then you need to compartmentalize and put that away and move forward in life. Don't be defined by the terrible things that have happened to you or you happened to yourself because of bad choices. Do you believe that you can move forward from today and good things can happen?
I know you can. I know we all can. I know then we can have faith and believe and we can speak things into existence if we'll just speak up into the universe, into our minds and hearts, and into the lives of people that we touch. You can do it and it begins with you simply saying what you believe you want to accomplish and how you want it to go and then you allow your subconscious to drive you toward the end you have in mind. Napoleon Hill said it : What your mind can conceive and your heart can believe you can achieve. Earl Nightingale talked about “you become what you think about.” and today Jay Skinner says “You are the sole determining factor in your future success or failure.”
Jay Skinner broadcasts live on The Buyers & Sellers Show - 10:35am EST every Friday morning. 30 minutes up and down.. you will be glad you came. Join us LIVE for conversation with you via real-time featured comments on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Rumble, Twitch, and Twitter.. .and if you're late... Catch the replays always available on my website playlist tab and on the other platforms as well. www.TheJaySkinner.com WJaySkinner@aol.com 1 (317) 922-7526 Jay Skinner, The Buyers and Sellers Show, PDT Associates, llc Interactive with comments from you during the live broadcast. Past Show YouTube playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl5FKbyuDRfA9cxMcJlC5wff4yHxzgZGL

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